Sean | United States

Sean | United States


I had glasses for most of my life and I was diagnosed with gyrate atrophy when I was 12 years old. My mother was my biggest advocate and was very good at providing a low protein diet, which helped slow down the vision changes. About 4 years ago, I developed cataracts and last year I developed strabismus (eye turning). I still have good central vision but poor side vision and night vision. This is a tough diagnosis to receive as a patient and navigating the changes to your vision. But I believe it makes me more grateful for each moment and helps instill a desire to live my life to fullest. 

Erin Corradi

Brainstorming is my passion—not just brainstorming, but taking an idea, looking at the numbers, setting up tactics and timelines, and seeing that idea become a meaningful, enduring success.

From the analytical to the creative, I enjoy being involved in it all. When we work together, each contributing our strengths, we can take a good idea and make it greater; we can take an important message and make it clearer; we can take a life-changing cause and effectively do something about it.

Fabricio | Argentina